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That would make for an 18 month gap between the release of the original iPad Pro and a new, successor model. Apple took a lot of flak for its iPhone 7 launch. People called exam the handset dull and pedestrian. And while tablet sales are never as hot as phone sales, Apple will want to show it can still innovate with the best of them and we’ll likely see the company really push the boundaries with what’s possible with its next-generation iPad Pro model.


The original iPad Pro was a beast – and very popular with consumers. But, as history tells us, a second-generation product is ALWAYS better. It is where refinements SY0-401 exam to design and performance are implemented and mistakes from the previous iteration are removed. Given just how good Apple’s iPad Pro was the idea of a new addition is very compelling, as it is difficult to see where Apple could actually make any improvements.

And this SY0-401 pdf delay is likely down to Apple innovating on the design and functionality of the iPad Pro. Here’s one theory via PC Advisor:

“The current A9X chip – which is used by both iPad Pro models – is based on the 16nm FinFET process, the same used by the new generation of graphics cards from nVidia and AMD. In order to SY0-401 produce a chip with significantly faster performance without high power consumption, Apple will have to wait until chip manufacturers are ready to move down to 10nm, which is rumoured to be late in 2016.”

During Apple’s September 2016 event, there was no mention of the iPad line (focusing instead on the iPhone 7 and Apple Watch Series 2), while its October event showcased a smart if costly new MacBook Pro. If it had a new iPad Pro up its sleeve, surely Apple could have found time SY0-401 vce at one of these events to mention it… which suggests to us that the iPad Pro 2 is being held back until next year. And March is generally when Apple holds its first event of the year.

(After the MacBook Pro launch, there were rumours of a third autumn launch event or product refresh from Apple, focusing on the Mac Pro line and SY0-401 potentially squeezing in some iPads at the same time. It’s pretty clear now that this isn’t going to happen.) The timing of the prediction is interesting, coming as it does shortly after the end of the first series of Westworld, HBO’s violent and disorienting TV series based on the 1970s Yul Brynner film of the same name. In Westworld, the human programmers who set the behaviours and personalities of the park’s western-themed android inhabitants do all their programming on slick foldable tablets. The foldable tablet designs on the show make a lot of sense and look fantastic. (The idea of programmers working on tablets seems less plausible.)

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